Freedom On The Central Coast

I’ve talked about it before but my plan for the year was to create a print travel journal each month of filmies and writing. I had locations and people I was visiting every other week all around California in an attempt to document a journey towards creative enlightenment. You would have been able to follow along and get copies of the journal but COVID postponed that plan.

For now, enjoy these photos of Jeremy Bishop and I on a mad day and night in Big Sur.

Cold Night Kickstart

Cold Night Kickstart

Land Man Dreams Of Sea

Land Man Dreams Of Sea

Oh, dear mystic muse, it was always you.

Oh, dear mystic muse, it was always you.

I knew the way to live. You did too.

I knew the way to live. You did too.

Got good and lost on the sand and waves.

Got good and lost on the sand and waves.

Lost my way found myself

Lost my way found myself

Kerouac and a few pints

Kerouac and a few pints

a slice of the earth to call our own just for the night was that so much to ask

a slice of the earth to call our own just for the night was that so much to ask

shots in the dark

shots in the dark

crank the ISO and call me love

crank the ISO and call me love

and we were off back to societal constraints.

and we were off back to societal constraints.

Oh and then we blew the engine in San Luis Obispo. Farewell old bike.

With love, Old Friends


A Weekend in Santa Barbara


The Order To Watch Taika Waititi’s Movies (2021)