The Order To Watch Taika Waititi’s Movies (2021)

If you are just getting into Taika Waititi as a director here is my recommendation for what order to watch his movies in. All in all, I am very biased as I am a New Zealander, and Taika is a personal hero of mine so I rate his New Zealand films pretty high up there.

#6. Eagle vs Shark

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Incredible flick. In fact, it was Taika’s debut. However, this is the movie to watch after you already understand Taiki’s directing style as you will find it much more enjoyable. This is especially true if you aren’t used to Kiwi/Aussie/British humor. Watch a couple of other Taika movies first, you’ll see why.

#5. Thor Ragnorak

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Wow, Taika crushed this directing gig. However, it isn’t up there on my list of Taika’s movies to watch first, as it is Taika’s most corporate movie. It did shoot him to directing stardom, and it is a fun watch, but Taika has directed more raw movies than this one. What I’m trying to say is this movie has Taika’s mark, but it is not a full Taika movie.

#4. What We Do In The Shadows

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This flick will catch you off guard (in a very good way). Watch it with a couple of beers in ya to just be a little more prepared. How on earth did Taika make these characters so likeable?

#3. Boy

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Gritty, comedic, and emotionally charged. This movie is quintessentially Kiwi. It’s also the most personal of Taika’s movies, and any New Zealander will instantly understand the characters in this one.

#2. Jojo Rabbit

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Taika is quoted saying, “Isn’t it crazy that I needed to make a movie saying that nazis are bad in 2020.” He also directed this entire movie dressed as hitler. Find out more about that by doing yourself a favor and watching this movie.

#1. Hunt For The Wilderpeople

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Once you have watched this movie, we can be friends. This is one of the coming of age movies of the decade. It highlights issues such as nature vs. the city and the ever-growing generational gap while still being lighthearted. Taika’s distinct style of comedy blended with drama comes through in this movie, so it is my definite pick to watch first.


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