The Slow Build

We want everything fast. We want everything now.

The problem is it just doesn’t work like that. It never has, never will. Instant gratification is never a good story and good stories make this world interesting, mysterious, and beautiful.

The longer it takes to build something the better a story it is. It takes time to make a good story, it’s relative, definitely relative to the project or venture, but it is never immediate.

If we take the time to build something well we will feel it because it was a better story than if we didn’t.Think about the difference between just an average story that someone tells you and then an incredible story that someone tells you. It was harder, it was less immediate of gratification.

Don’t you want to feel something? Then take the time, remember in the midst of creating something; instant gratification will only make this story not as good.

The feeling of being able to write a good story with what you are building is worth it. It’s my crack cocaine. So, here’s to more slow builds, late nights of planning, long hours of writing, creating, dreaming, and finally finishing things after facing every beautiful piece of resistance. Here’s to difficult challenges, facing resistance, starting new stories, and enjoying great endings.

Keep writing good stories old friends,


Circle All The Good Ideas In Your Journals


Kerouac’s Writing Advice