Circle All The Good Ideas In Your Journals

Creativity Hack 01

As you are scribbling ideas and thoughts and to do lists and poems, circle the pieces of writing that really stand out. You know better than anyone what idea is great and what is just a thought. This simple system of organization will help you be able to quickly skim through your old journals and find the good stuff. Now when you go back through old journals you will already have filtered your good ideas and late night thoughts. You’ll be able to easily find the indie poems and the entrepreneurial ideas that you would have otherwise forgot. You’ll also be more inclined to go through those old journals because your forgotten gems are there just waiting for you. 

If your journal is a scribbled mess of ideas and thoughts, which I believe is the best way to get unfiltered thoughts out of your head, then you will greatly benefit from this simple organization tactic. In fact this was how a book started coming together for me. I finally utilized all my all old thoughts. The weirdest thing about it is I feel like old me is always smarter than my present self. Old me is usually way more enlightened. 

Circle those ideas old friends,


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