“Endless Distraction You Worry Me”

I tried to nap to get my creativity back 

But I lay awake and thought of you 

I went to a cafe to try and get my creativity back

But I ordered a latte and the table I sat at had a breeze blowing by 

And it tasted like your coffee breathed kiss after our breakfast dates

And it felt like when you blew on my neck softly enough to hurt

I went to a park to try and find my art

But all I could think about was you barefoot smoking a cigarette

And that goddamn flower dress 

that endless springtime distraction 

I tried to nap at the park to get my art back but I had a beer instead

and it stayed cold all the way down

Leo Lawrence

Kiwi/Brazilian - Writer/Photographer


El Mirage-RAWs


Was it because I said I like The Kooks?