Leo Lawrence - Copywriter / Brand Strategist

Writing Experience

2 years as a Junior Copywriter and 3 years as the Senior Copywriter at Millennial Pixels

I write branding and marketing copy for clients ranging from medical manufacturing in China, to hr consulting, to nationwide construction tech, to a pharmacy in North Carolina.

3 years running the Leo Lawrence Writing Shop

Conducting brand strategy, marketing, and creative consulting, selling poems and a book.

1.5 years founding Thrilled Therapist Co.

Myself, and two others, started this company to help therapists brand and market themselves to help them build sustainable careers. I built a sales funnel from the ground up for this one. Currently, I’ve written 14 Brand Messages and Websites for therapists.

4 months writing lastweekspoems

Writing 10 poems every day and sharing the good ones at the end of the week.

B.A. in Communication Studies, Minor in English Literature.

Became a StoryBrand certified guide in 2019 — this is a story-driven copywriting training with an emphasis on CLARITY WINS

Named and branded a wine, “Long Story Short” for New Zealand wine company, Hillersden.

“Long story short… wine shouldn’t be complicated”

Back Label Copy:

Wine shouldn’t be complicated.

The world’s told you that wine is complicated and there are rules to follow - so you end up playing it safe and drinking the same old stuff.

Our opinion? Forget the rules.

While our family’s farm has won awards and obsesses over the details that go into crafting the world-class flavor in this bottle - none of that matters because wine shouldn’t be complicated. A great wine is simply the one that tastes delicious and gathers the people you care about together for good times.

So, whether you’re planning a candlelit dinner, a bonfire with your mates, or an evening in with Netflix - drink this wine and make your everyday occasions special.


Hillersden Family


Helped people with paralysis, “think outside the chair”.

Positioned Be Bright Coffee as the non-jargony coffee company.

Helped to bring in millions of dollars (no joke, ask me about it) of new revenue for this national construction company using brand positioning, website messaging, writing sales letters, and tradeshow videos: Apex Imaging Services

 Guaranteed Good Times at Tru Bru.

Wrote (in my humble opinion) the best preschool website of all time.

Took the stress out of getting prescriptions filled.

Helped people “live a better story”.

Wrote two brand messages, a website, and a 12-month-long email campaign directed at HR leaders for an HR Consultant.

Looking for a strategic copywriter? Email me at leogrigg@gmail.com