Stolen Hours To Create

You have to steal time. You have to find hidden hours in hidden nooks and hidden cafe corners in hidden alleys. There is never enough time for any person to write what they should be writing. It has to be stolen.

You need your own secret times where you lose your mind, hidden from any one else, hidden from time herself.

If you have the luxury of time to release words on paper, you still need to be stealing hours to write something different than normal. Writing sometimes need to be secret, dark, witching. The luxury of time is only hurting your writing by making it stiff and obvious and boring.

If writers are truly powerful beings then sometimes we shouldn’t be in plain sight. We should be sneaking around to bars and finding a way to scribble under candlelight.

You need to steal an hour here, an hour there, and a whole day here. You need to not tell anyone, turn your phone off, chuck it in a river, cry, lose your mind, be truly free, and steal the time you need to write something true and beautiful and real.

Stolen hours of time create honest pieces of art.

Steal some precious hours of time, old friend,


Kerouac’s Writing Advice


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