
This week had me thinking about mistakes ahead of time.

Here's the thing, you already know plenty of mistakes you are going to make. If you are about to start a project, creatively or professionally, you already know there are some mistakes that you could see coming.

So, instead of going through the project and making a bunch of those mistakes and then learning from them after the fact, what if you just think about what mistakes you are going to make ahead of time?

Think about what you are going to do wrong based on your personality, history of mistakes, and most recent problems you have faced.

Now, figure out a strategy or a plan to not make those mistakes.

Pre-mortem, figure it out beforehand in your head and then apply that to real life.

I'm trying that in my own life, and it's a bit of a trip, turns out I repeat the same mistakes quite often.

Let me know how it goes for you.



Leo Lawrence

Kiwi/Brazilian - Writer/Photographer

Wake Up!


The Insecurities Of A Visionary Director