Make More Babies

A lot of people cling to their big artistic project like its their baby. That’s fine and all but then they never really finish the project. They can’t bear the idea of releasing their baby into the world. And the world needs their project, they need the energy, creativity, and perspective. The world needs to actually see your project.

Here’s the thing—you can always make more babies.

You can have more sex with paper. Make more love with canvas. You have the power to make more projects, to have more ideas.

Contrary to popular belief, new ideas do not just randomly run dry. They are there inside of you waiting to be released. But maybe you are not letting them out because you are so stuck on the one project you are babying.

If you get stuck caring for and fine tuning and adapting and adjusting the project that you have and never letting it grow up and run wild then you are missing out on your other baby’s lives.

Hear this, you will have more ideas, you can release that project you’ve been stuck on for years and move onto a new one. I know it can be terrifying, to think that you might never have an idea as good as the one you just had and never create a piece of work as good as the one you just made but those challenges are waiting for you around the corner from the project you’ve been sitting on.

I’ve heard pandemic quarantine is a good time to make more babies,

See you soon old friends,


On The Coming Of Age Of An Artist


Pasadena Ca, Photo Walks