On Losing Yourself To Find Yourself

You’ve been lied to. You’ve lied to yourself. You think you know who you are, but the reality is you should never really know who you are. You should always be searching for the next evolution of yourself, and if you think you’ve found it then you are already stuck. The movement is what makes you. The evolving is what shapes you.

If you think you know who you are, you need to lose yourself quick. You need a shake up, a dust off, a pair of wings to try on, a chrysalis to bide your time in. To really become the you that exists on some elemental plane, the you that exists on the horizon of some other planet, the you that could really be out there in the universe, you need to truly lose yourself.

Lose yourself, go off into the night, board a train, take a flight, row a boat, swim, crawl, move somewhere, do something different. The only way you will exist as another evolution of yourself is by action, movement, and by making an inciting incident happen.

Your static self forgot that there is a world out there that needs you, and needs your evolution, no matter the roadblocks and walls. The point is not to find yourself but to keep searching and in the end give us your journey - full and real and honest.

Get good and lost Old Friends, I want to see where you end up.


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