Manifesto: Heavy Metal Writing


At first, it killed me slowly.

Then it sped up. It leeched everything bright and everything dark out of me.

It left me bored, dead in the water. My writing was cheap, my art was stale, my flair and swagger faded away.

With balance, everything became, ‘fine’.

I had to find another way, or die.

So, I created Heavy Metal Writing for myself.

Heavy Metal Writing is a simple writing philosophy.

Heavy Metal Writing is harnassing chaos, either high highs or low lows to slam words onto paper.

It’s allowing yourself to channel your natural instinct for chaos into words. It’s about pumping out a first draft of anything in pure passionate sadness, happiness, depression, joy.

Heavy Metal Writing is a cure and a vice.

It’s utilizing your chaos, your polarities, to focus yourself on a specific piece of writing. It’s permission to go absolutely mad when writing.

It’s smashing the keys while going insane.

Here’s your permission to not seek balance anymore. I killed balance.

Welcome to heavy metal.

Leo Lawrence

Kiwi/Brazilian - Writer/Photographer

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