A Writer’s Sanctuary

More than anything a writer needs a place to simply be and write. A safe place, a comfortable place, a place you know and are known. A nook, a reading spot, a hobbit hole.

Writers don’t have many luxuries. We don’t need many things, we generally don’t waste money, except on coffee and liquor (Maybe avo toast as well (oh, and getting film photos developed, woops). But, if we are able to write, we feel our needs dissipate. We are happier people, we are more relaxed, and we are able to be decently functioning members of society.

We need somewhere quiet, somewhere disconnected from the stress of a 2020 world.

I found that place for me at the start of lockdown, Iron & Kin, here are a couple photos (on film of course)

This was the morning set up, until indoors closed again.

This was the morning set up, until indoors closed again.

This is the Owner & Barista, Josh, who: 1. Makes the best cuppa west of Pasadena. 2. Knows and cares for his community in simple and profound ways. 3. Got me into specialty coffee 6 years ago.

This is the Owner & Barista, Josh, who:
1. Makes the best cuppa west of Pasadena.
2. Knows and cares for his community in simple and profound ways.

3. Got me into specialty coffee 6 years ago.

And this was the natural light nook I spent hours in.

And this was the natural light nook I spent hours in.

This café provided me with a quiet location, where often it would be just me and the barista. I would get an oat cappuccino a few days a week here and write whatever thoughts came into my head. It was stress relieving, and I kept my sanity. Even being alone for days on end I was still getting my work done. I was still keeping my joy and my vices weren’t taking over. Thats the power of a great space.

I want you to find your nook. Find it, share it with me, I won’t steal it. We all need our space to write and think and breathe deeply. I hope you have yours, or I hope you find yours.

With love, old friends, I’ll see you soon,


A Motorycycle In Big Sur